Petrophysical Characterizations of Shale Gas Reservoirs of the Ranikot Formation in the Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan
The complex pore structure with nano-pores of shale gas reservoirs has an impact on the hydrocarbon storage and transport systems. We examined the pore structure of the shales of the Ranikot Formation in the Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan to investigate the full scaled pore size distributions by using a combination of techniques, mercury injection capillary pressure analysis and low pressure gas adsorption methods using N2 and CO2. Isotherm curves obtained N2 and CO2 adsorptions were interpreted using density functional theory analysis for describing the nano-scaled pore size distributions. The pore geometry of the shales was estimated to be slit-type from the isotherm hysteresis loop shape. The pore size distributions determined the density functional theory showed the dominant pore size of below around 10 nm. The Micro-scale effects such as slippage and adsorption/desorption also significantly influence the gas flow in nano-pore structure. The gas flow regimes in shales are classified into four types Darcy flow, slip flow, transition flow, Knudsen flow based on the value of the Knudsen number. Applying the specific reservoir conditions in Ranikot shale and pore size distribution to the Knudsen number, the gas flow regimes of the Ranikot shales were estimated mostly within the transition and slip flow.

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