Estimasi Biaya Disposal PET 97 DP Menggunakan Metode High and Low Di Pt Vale Indonesia Tbk, Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan

  • Muhammad Abdi Dzil Ikram Departemen Teknik Pertambangan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin
  • Aryanti Virtanti Anas Departemen Teknik Pertambangan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin
  • Rizki Amalia Departemen Teknik Pertambangan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin
Keywords: Dozer CAT D8R, material sipil, metode high-low, semi-induced flow, tanah penutup



Disposal area merupakan sebuah lokasi pada sebuah tambang terbuka yang digunakan untuk menyimpan sementara waste rock atau overburden yang dihasilkan selama proses pengupasan. Di PT Vale Indonesia terdapat tiga tipe disposal yang digunakan, yaitu induce flow, semi-induced flow, dan finger flow. Penelitian dilakukan pada disposal PET 97 DP dengan jenis disposal semi-induce flow. Disposal ini dikerjakan menggunakan dua unit dozer CAT D8R sebagai alat utama, dan civil material serta material pembatuan untuk meningkatkan stabilitas disposal. Disposal PET 97 DP termasuk jenis disposal semi-induced flow dengan empat dumping point dan memiliki tonase sebesar 919.484,363 ton dengan total kebutuhan civil material sebesar 321.819,527 ton. Estimasi biaya civil material dilakukan menggunakan metode high-low dan menghasilkan total estimasi biaya mencapai $1.186.777,53. Disposal PET 97 DP diperkirakan dapat digunakan hingga 12 minggu dengan target produksi 75.000 ton/minggu dengan menggunakan dua unit dozer. Total biaya yang dibutuhkan dalam pengoperasian disposal PET 97 DP diperkirakan mencapai $1.450.513,50.



Disposal area is a location in an open pit mine that were used to temporarily keep waste rock or overburden that were produced during the stripping process. In PT Vale Indonesia, Tbk there were three types of disposal that were used, those are induce flow, semi-induced flow, and finger flow. This research was done at PET 97 DP disposal with the type of the disposal being semi-induced flow. This disposal was done using two units of CAT D8R dozers as the main equipment and civil material as the petrification materials to increase the stability of the disposal. PET 97 DP disposal is a semi-induced flow disposal with four dumping points and capacity of 919.484,363 ton with the needs of 321.819,527 ton of civil materials. Civil material cost was estimated using high-low method with the total cost was $1.186.777,53. PET 97 DP disposal was expected to be used for 12 weeks with production target of 75.000 ton/week using two units of dozers. The total operation cost that was needed for PET 97 DP disposal was estimated to reach $1.450.513,50.

How to Cite
Ikram, M. A., Anas, A., & Amalia, R. (2022, May 18). Estimasi Biaya Disposal PET 97 DP Menggunakan Metode High and Low Di Pt Vale Indonesia Tbk, Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan. Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring, 25(1), 71-76.