Perception evaluation of soundscape in a wetland community by spatial graphical representation: a case study of Hangzhou Xixi Wetland, China.

  • J.R. Shi
  • Y. Yang
  • D.S. Wang
  • H. Liu
  • X.M. Zhao
Keywords: Perception evaluation, Wetland park, Soundscape


The perception evaluation of soundscape in a wetland community is investigated based on spatial graphical representation and statistical theory. The data were analyzed by EXCEL and SPSS and they produced the zoning map of soundscape in a wetland park. XIXI Wetland,Hangzhou, China, was chosen as the case area. The perception evaluation of soundscape was conducted at ten aspects: elements, time, preference, integration, liveliness, boisterousness, pleasure, feature, nature and irritability. Meanwhile, the goal is to provide a favorite soundscape for tourists, and a visual map with graphic reference is drawn for soundscape design in the wetland community.

How to Cite
Shi, J., Yang, Y., Wang, D., Liu, H., & Zhao, X. (2019, June 6). Perception evaluation of soundscape in a wetland community by spatial graphical representation: a case study of Hangzhou Xixi Wetland, China. Lowland Technology International, 21(1, June), 52-60. Retrieved from

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