Jurnal Wilayah & Kota Maritim (Journal of Regional and Maritime City Studies) https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm Jurnal WKM en-US jurnalwkmpwk@unhas.ac.id (Sri Aliah Ekawati, S.T., M.T) dewa.alfadinnur@unhas.ac.id (Dewa Sagita Alfadin Nur) Sun, 02 Jul 2023 04:29:04 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Potensi Penerapan Infrastruktur Hijau Permukaan Berpori (Permeable Pavement) dalam Mengurangi Genangan dan Banjir di Kacematan Panakukkang https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1601 <p><em>Makassar City, which is the largest city in Eastern Indonesia, still often faces inundation and flooding. </em><em>In some areas in Makassar City, inundation often occurs, one of which is in Panakukkang District. So it is necessary to pay attention to infrastructure that is environmentally friendly and does not interfere with the natural cycle of the environment. The purpose of this study is to identify the level of flood susceptibility, calculate the volume of surface runoff and the influence of the physical spatial aspects of the area, and identify the potential for the application of permeable pavement based on the physical and spatial aspects of the area. This research was conducted from February to May 2022 (3 months). This study uses data types in the form of rainfall, land elevation, land use, slope, soil type, road network, land use, and utilities. The analytical methods used are scoring, overlay, and hydrological analysis. The results obtained for most of the research area are in flood-prone areas of 816 hectares. The volume of runoff water is 13 m<sup>3</sup>/second/km<sup>2</sup>. Permeable pavement can be applied to a number of roads with an area of ​​0.86 km<sup>2</sup> and is capable of absorbing a runoff volume of 2,526 m<sup>3</sup>/hour/km<sup>2</sup>.</em></p> Asyer Riansa, Muhammad Yamin Jinca, Venny Veronica Natalia ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1601 Sat, 11 Feb 2023 06:43:04 +0000 Konsep Pemanen Air Hujan (Rainwater Harvesting) sebagai Alternatif Sumber Daya Air Bersih di Kampung Lakkang Kota Makassar https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1603 <p><em>Rainwater harvesting is a system of collecting and storing rainwater for reuse in daily activities. This concept can be applied to the research location because rainwater that falls to the surface cannot be accommodated optimally on land. This study aims to determine the operating system of the installation and maintenance of rainwater harvesting techniques, evaluate the potential applications of rainwater harvesting, and provide guidance on the concept of rainwater harvesting. This research is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach. This research was conducted from March to November 2020 (8 months). The method of collecting data is carried out primarily through observation, field surveys, and observation of building functions. The secondary data obtained through literature studies and government agency data. The analysis used is a synthesis of literature, the potential per building, the amount of rainwater that can be harvested, and the amount of household/domestic water demand. The results of this study indicate that the application of this concept can meet the needs of water and is able to become an alternative in meeting the needs of clean water in the research location. The potential for rainwater harvesting based on the calculation results is 58,099,680 liters/day or if it is assumed that each house has the same roof area. So each house can accommodate rain water of 272,768 liters/day/house. This figure is obtained through rainwater that can be harvested in Kampung Lakkang divided by the number of houses, namely 213 houses. The number of household/domestic water needs shows 58620 liters/day, with an average for each house of 300 liters/day.</em></p> Ratih Nisrina Pratiwi R. Djalle, Yashinta Kumala Dewi Sutopo, Sri Aliah Ekawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1603 Sat, 11 Feb 2023 07:27:35 +0000 Kelayakan Potensi Pulau Lakkang Sebagai Daerah Tujuan Wisata di Kota Makassar https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1604 <p><em>Lakkang Island is designated as a natural tourism area which has natural environmental conditions and has various potentials</em><em>. However, the management and development of the potential of Lakkang Island to be used as a tourist area has not been maximized. This can be seen from the minimal tourist support facilities, the area is not well organized, and until now there has been no feasibility test for tourism potential so that the level of feasibility is not known which can be used as material for consideration for managers in developing Lakkang Island to the fullest. The purpose of this research is to inventory the potential of tourism objects and attractions and to assess the feasibility level of the potential of Lakkang Island as a tourist destination in Makassar City. This research is descriptive in nature by using spatial analysis and weighting analysis with the guidelines for Analysis of Operational Areas and Natural Tourism Attraction Objects (ADO-ODTWA) by the Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation (PHKA) 2003. The results of this study indicate that Lakkang Island has a level value potential feasibility of 73.5% with the classification category 'High (A)', which means that this value indicates that Lakkang Island has the potential for attractiveness, accessibility, supporting facilities and infrastructure as well as the availability of supporting clean water, so it is feasible to be developed into one of the tourist destination in Makassar City.</em></p> Nur Aisyah, Isfa Sastrawati, Sri Aliah Ekawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1604 Sat, 11 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Arahan Pencegahan Bencana Banjir Pada Perumahan Di Kawasan Sub Urban Kota Makassar https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1605 <p><em>Tamalanrea Indah Village is one of the areas that has been designated as a flood-prone area based on data from the RTRW of Makassar City in 2015-2034. The research aims to determine the physical characteristics of the area, the factors that cause flooding, and formulate prevention of flood hazards. Data was collected by using observation, questionnaire, interview and literature study techniques. This research is included in a quantitative qualitative descriptive study conducted. The data collection method was carried out primarily through surveys, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Secondary data obtained from literature studies and visits to institutions. The analytical technique used in this research is spatial analysis (overlay) to identify the physical condition of the area at the research location. Then to determine the factors causing flooding at the research site using AHP analysis with the help of qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis and hydrological analysis to determine the factors causing flooding. The results of this study are recommendations for preventing flood hazards in Hamzy BTN. The research was carried out as an effort to avoid flooding in the Makassar City sub-urban, especially in Hamzy BTN, Tamalanrea Indah Village, Tamalanrea</em><em>.</em></p> Utari Nur Parmadi, Mimi Arifin, Mukti Ali ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1605 Sat, 11 Feb 2023 07:46:48 +0000 Arahan Penataan Kawasan Permukiman di Kawasan Wisata Benteng Somba Opu dengan Pendekatan Eco-Settlements https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1606 <p><em>The Somba Opu Fort Cultural Tourism Area is one of the Provincial Strategic Areas according to Regional Regulation Number 09 of 2009-2029 concerning the RTRW of South Sulawesi Province. The existence of settlements that grow around the area that is irregular and violates land use, as well as social activities of residential communities that do not support tourism activities in the Somba Opu Fort area. The Somba Opu Fort area is one of the Provincial Strategic Areas according to Regional Regulation Number 09 of 2009-2029 concerning the RTRW of South Sulawesi Province because it has a very important influence within the district on the economy, social, culture, and/or environment. The objectives to be achieved in this study are to identify the condition of settlements in the Somba Opu Fort area with eco-settlements indicators and recommend directions for revitalizing the residential environment in the Somba Opu Fort area with an eco-settlements approach. The analytical technique used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis, and descriptive comparative analysis. The results of the analysis will later be expected to determine the condition of settlements with existing aspects so as to achieve the right direction as a reference for revitalization according to the concept of eco-settlements in settlements in the Fort Somba Opu area later.</em></p> Muhammad Fahran, Mimi Arifin, Abdul Rachman Rasyid ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1606 Sat, 11 Feb 2023 08:14:25 +0000 Arahan Pencegahan Bahaya Kebakaran di Kawasan Permukiman Penduduk Kelurahan Banta-Bantaeng, Kota Makassar https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1607 <p><em>The development of a city cannot be separated from the population that always increases every year. With the increase in population growth in a city, the problems that arise will also increase, such as a fire disaster caused by human negligence itself. This study aims to (1) identify the characteristics of settlements and residents against the risk of fire disasters located in Banta-Bantaeng village; (2) identify the availability of facilities and infrastructure to support firefighter activities in residents located in Banta-Bantaeng village; and (3) explaining direction on preventing fire hazards in residential areas. This research located in RW 001, 004, and 005, Banta-Bantaeng Village, Makassar City. The analytical technique used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis, comparative analysis, and spatial analysis. The results obtained are; (1) the characteristics of the settlements, indicates locations that are prone to fire; (2) the availability of infrastructure is still very less than they can hinder the extinguishing process; and (3) the right direction for preventing fire hazards to overcome fire disasters is by means of active protection, passive protection, and fire safety management.</em></p> Muhammad Naufal Hadyan, Wiwik Wahidah Osman, Abdul Rachman Rasyid ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1607 Sat, 11 Feb 2023 08:22:37 +0000 Strategi Pengembangan Komoditas Kopi di Kecamatan Latimojong Kabupaten Luwu https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1658 <p><em>Latimojong sub-district is one of the coffee-producing sub-districts in Luwu Regency and the sub-district of agricultural designation contained in the Luwu Regency Strategic Plan and Luwu Regency RTRW 2012-2032. This study aims to determine the characteristics, potentials and problems of coffee commodities in Latimojong District, and to formulate strategic ideas for developing coffee commodities in Latimojong District, Luwu Regency. Data was collected by using interview techniques, questionnaires, observations and literature studies. The analysis was carried out using descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods, spatial analysis, LQ analysis, DLQ analysis, demand analysis, comparative analysis or productivity analysis, Likert scale analysis, and SWOT analysis. This study shows the characteristic conditions of Latimojong District that support coffee commodity activities based on studies of physical conditions, namely altitude, rainfall, slope and land use as well as non-physical studies, namely the basic LQ value and prospective DLQ. This study also shows that Latimojong District has the potential for coffee commodities that can be developed in the form of extensive plantation land potential, adequate human resources based on quantity, surplus coffee production and constant demand for coffee and there are problems in the form of accessibility, facilities and marketing of coffee. The conclusion of this study is to recommend 7 strategic ideas, namely WO (Weaknesses-Opportunities). This strategy was made by minimizing the weaknesses of Latimojong District and take advantage of opportunities to develop coffee commodities.</em></p> Nur Afni Sawar, Ihsan Ihsan, Isfa Sastrawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1658 Sun, 02 Jul 2023 03:43:07 +0000 Analisis Karakteristik Lokasi Warung Kopi di Kota Makassar https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1659 <p><em>Along with the increase in population in Makassar City, increasing business profitability, the development of product sales was also optimized. The more competition between coffee shops resulted in the Coffee Shop gradually experiencing a decrease in business profitability indicated by a decrease in the number of visitors, for that the author will conduct research on coffee shops in Makassar City related to the characteristics of each coffee shop in Makassar City in knowing regional carriers against each coffee shop in Makassar City. The analytical method used is descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis, spatial analysis, and scoring analysis. Data collection methods used were field survey interviews, distributing questionnaires, documentation and literature review. This research lasted for seven months from November 2020 to May 2021. The results of the analysis show that the distribution of coffee shops and cafes can be seen in the distribution of coffee points in each sub-district in Makassar City where there are 628 coffee shop data with residential zones which are areas that are always located at every point of coffee shops and cafes.</em></p> Ahmad Asyraf Thufail, Ihsan Ihsan, Laode Muh. Asfan Mujahid ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1659 Sun, 02 Jul 2023 03:42:18 +0000 Analisis Pengembangan Angkutan Bus sebagai Moda Transportasi untuk Pergerakan dengan Tujuan Pendidikan https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1664 <p><em>Trip with the aim of education have a high level of contribution after working trip and become one of the activities that cause traffic congestion in Makassar City. Since November 2021, the South Sulawesi Provincial Transportation Service has introduced a bus service called Teman Bus with 2 of 4 service routes serving the Hasanuddin University educational area. This study aims to 1) determine the characteristics and patterns of educational movement of Unhas students, 2) analyze the availability and quality of bus transportation services, 3) formulate recommendations for the development of bus transportation as a mode of transportation for movement with educational purposes. The research method used is descriptive through a qualitative &amp; quantitative approach using quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis, Origin Destination Matrix (MAT) analysis, spatial analysis, and comparative analysis. The results of the analysis show that 1) 67% of Unhas students use private vehicles to move for educational purposes, the movement pattern of origin of Unhas students is concentrated in the area around the campus, while the rest are scattered in several sub-districts in Makassar City, Kab. Gowa and Maros. 2) The availability of bus transportation that serves the Unhas campus area consists of corridor 2 and corridor 4. Comparison of service quality between corridors 2 and 4 both have discrepancies in the quality of assessment for load factor and vehicle utility parameters. The recommended development recommendations are the development of feeder services, development of mode transfer nodes, improving the quality of bus stops, increasing mobility options using bus transportation and controlling and limiting the use of private vehicles.</em></p> Iswan Izzulhaq, Muhammad Yamin j, Venny Veronica Natalia ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://cot.unhas.ac.id/journals/index.php/jwkm/article/view/1664 Sun, 02 Jul 2023 03:43:21 +0000