Riset Teknologi Perkapalan2025-01-14T03:06:20+00:00Mohammad Rizal Firmansyahjurnalrisetteknologiperkapalan@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Jurnal Riset Teknologi Perkapalan adalah jurnal ilmiah berseri yang terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan <strong>Juni</strong> dan <strong>Desember</strong> yang berisi artikel hasil penelitian maupun pemikiran konseptual dalam bidang teknologi perkapalan, sistem permesinan kapal dan bangunan apung lepas pantai</p> <p> </p> Mesin Utama Kapal Ferry Ro-Ro Menggunakan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness2025-01-13T08:52:03+00:00Muhammad Rusydi Fillah<p>Generally, ferries ro-ro use diesel engines as their main engine. The ship's main engines will suffer a loss of performance over time and have been in operation for a long time. Many things cause major engine failure, including lack of maintenance and improper use of support components. The research aims to evaluate the performance of the ship's main engine by using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method, to analyze the causes of failure of the ship's main engine using a Root Cause Analysis (RCA), and to give recommendations for the performance of the ship's main engines. Research shows that the OEE's value over the last 3 years is 70,76%, and the relationship between the Six Big Losses and the OEE's is that where the OEE's higher, the lower Six Big Losses value, and the reverse. The main operations engine. KMP. Balibo has a value performance ratio that is still below standard, where losses are high, especially breakdown losses, which significantly affect availability ratios. It means that the operation of KMP. Balibo's main engine is not yet effective.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pemasangan Double Triangular Vortex Generator Posisi Sejajar Terhadap Tahanan Kapal2025-01-13T08:52:03+00:00Rosmani Rosmanirosmanimun@gmail.comSuandar Masri<p>Ship resistance is one of the problems in ship planning. The shape of the hull is designed with the slightest possible resistance. Along with the rapid development of science and technology, the design of fast boats has undergone many changes to obtain a design that can reduce the ship's resistance. One way is by adding a vortex generator on hull modifications using double triangular shapes. The research was carried out with variations in speed and trim. The data processing method in this research uses numerical methods for modelling vortex generators and conducting a resistance analysis. The results show the difference in resistance between the ship model without a vortex generator and the ship model using a vortex generator. Then, the results are compared according to speed and trim. Comparison of resistance values using ship models vortex generator ranging from 5,68% to 15,01% less than the resistance of the ship model without using vortex generator. The most significant reduction in the value of resistance is at FnV 2,816.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Keselamatan Kegiatan Kapal Perikanan di Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) Lonrae Kabupaten Bone2025-01-13T08:52:03+00:00Baharuddin Husni<p>Fishing activities at PPI Lonrae include several stages, namely pre-fishing preparation, the fishing process, unloading the catch at the dock, and post-unloading activities. These activities have a high risk of occupational accidents, mainly due to the many crew members involved. This study aims to identify the activities of fishermen, evaluate the potential risks of work accidents that may occur, and find ways to control hazards to reduce these risks. The methods used in this research are Hierarchical Task Analysis and Job Safety Analysis. The object of this research is a fishing boat at the Lonrae Fish Landing Base, Bone Regency. The results show that fishing vessel activities are divided into sub-activities and that the highest risk of accidents occurs during the fishing operation process. One way to control the risk of accidents is to increase training and awareness of safety procedures and potential hazards in every fishing activity.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Beban Pengelasan Konstruksi Sebuah Kapal Tug Boat 2x2200 HP Type ASD2025-01-13T08:52:03+00:00Farianto Fachruddinfariantofachruddin@gmail.comSyamsul<p>In assembling shipbuilding blocks, 90% of ship steel plates are used. The welding method is used to connect shipbuilding construction components. The objectives of this paper are: (a) identifying the construction weight of each ship block and the total weight of construction steel; (b) identification of the length of the welding object for each block based on the type of welding; (c) identification of the complexity index of welding work for each ship block. Achievement of objectives is carried out by measuring the work drawings for each block. The analysis results show that: (a) The total weight of the steel construction is 283.5 tons; (b) the Total length or welding load is equal to 24.84 km; (c) The workload index based on weight for each block is 0.02 – 0.42; (d) The workload index based on the length of the welding object for each block is 0.03 – 0.39. The work complexity index value in block 7 is 1.40 (the largest), and block 4 is 0.75 (the smallest).</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Potensi Bahaya dan Risiko Kegiatan Stevedoring di Pelabuhan Paotere Makassar dengan Menggunakan Metode HIRARC2025-01-14T03:06:20+00:00Huzein Kasmanhuzei.k@gmail.comAndi Siti Rizal Rizki<p>Paotere Port, located in Makassar City, is a hub for local inter-island and inter-provincial shipping activities. Among its operations, the loading and unloading of goods present significant occupational safety and health (OSH) challenges, ranging from minor incidents to severe injuries. This study examines the OSH conditions of workers involved in transporting goods between ships, docks, and trucks, and vice versa. Of the 11 docks available at Paotere Port, only four actively analyze worker safety during the loading and unloading processes involving KLM Phinisi vessels. These vessels are equipped with crane systems designed to expedite the transfer of goods between ships and docks. However, loading and unloading activities at Paotere Port frequently encounter safety issues, including worker negligence, which leads to falls into the sea due to inadequate ladder infrastructure. Workers often disregard safety protocols while operating on ship decks and dock areas. The study employs the HIRARC (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Control) method, involving direct observation, interviews, and detailed analysis to identify potential hazards and propose solutions for stevedoring activities utilizing lifting equipment. The findings reveal the presence of 20 potential hazards, categorized as follows: 35% of these as high risk, 35% as moderate risk, and 30% as low risk. These findings provide valuable insights and evaluation material to enhance the safety and risk management practices in stevedoring operations at the Paotere Port in Makassar.</p>2025-01-14T03:06:20+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##