Redesain Escape Route Dan Perlengkapan Keselamatan pada Kapal Pinisi Sesuai Standar NCVS (Non-Convention Vessel Standard) Studi Kasus KLM Elysian

  • Baharuddin Baharuddin Universitas Haanuddin
  • Andi Husni Sitepu Departemen Teknik Ssitem Perkapalan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia
  • Wahyu Wardana Mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Sistem Perkapalan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia
Keywords: Pinisi; Motor Sailing Ship; Ship Safety; NCVS


Some tourists visiting Labuan Bajo for recreation prefer to stay on the Pinisi ship. As a tourist facility, the safety of passengers and ships is a significant priority for users. KLM Elysian is a Pinisi ship built in 2002 as a passenger ship and has been modified in 2022 to become a tourist passenger ship. However, the existing ship's general arrangement design has yet to meet the Non Convention Vessel Standard (NCVS) outlined by the Ministry of Transportation as safety standards for motor sailing ships, especially in the ship engine room. Hence, it can endanger the ship's crew and passengers if an emergency occurs. The engine room of KLM Elysian has only one door access from the crew room, where the access is in the form of a vertical ladder from the kitchen on the main deck. Based on the findings, two designs that meet NCVS and SOLAS standards for evacuating ship passengers and crew are proposed. The results show that the engine room redesign has complied with NCVS by providing entry and exit and emergency access for the ship's crew. In design 1, additional access is located on the left side of the main engine, the rear of the left auxiliary engine and the vertical ladder in front of the right auxiliary engine. In design 2, additional access is at the rear of the engine room bulkhead on the left side of the main engine, and the vertical ladder from the engine room to the main deck is close to the steering shaft. Based on the simulation results, design 1 requires an evacuation time of 29.00 minutes, while design 2 requires 29.15 minutes. Hence, all two designs meet the evacuation time requirements determined by SOLAS, which is less than 60 minutes.
