Analysis Karakteristik Teknis Kawasan Waterfront Lokasi Rencana Galangan Kapal Kayu Pulau Bajo Manggarai Barat Nusa Tenggara Timur

  • Farianto Fachruddin Departemen Teknik Perkapalan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia
  • Syamsul Asri Departemen Teknik Perkapalan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Arqam Saputra Departemen Teknik Perkapalan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin
Keywords: Bathymetry, Waterfront area, Shipyard location, Wooden boat shipyard


Weather Labuan Bajo tourism activity during Joko Widodo's presidential era has increased rapidly. The programme for tourism destination development, especially for marine tourism, gives an advantage and opportunity to the Labuan Bajo region. This tourism programme has twenty-five (25) destinations with dominant must be accessed by sea. As a consequence, a large number of tourism boats have been operating in the area ever since. Port Authority and Harbormaster Office (KSOP) of Labuan Bajo reported that approximately 688 tourism boat units have been operated in this area. This condition has encouraged the existence of a shipyard as a maintenance and repair facility for marine tourism vessels. This paper describes the technical characteristics of potential locations for wooden shipyard plans. The technical description of the location focuses on the shipyard waterfront area with coordinates: BM-1 (81º 8' 34.292" LS; -129º -42' -15.894" E) and BM-2 (81º 8' 33.881" LS; -129º -42' -56.6" East). Bathymetry data of the prospectus waterfront area was then measured. The bathymetry map is used to compile the technical characteristics of the water surface area. The southwestern part of the location shows the contours of the seabed/coast with depth variations ranging from 0.5 m - 2.5 m, with the contour line density being quite large (sloping). In the east direction, it shows basic contours with depth variations ranging from 0.5 m – 6.0 m, and the density of contour lines is relatively small (steep). The characteristics of the ocean current speed around the area are 0.83 ms-1 at the full tide and 0.76 ms-1 at low tide. Based on these conditions, technically, the placement of the ship launch path for the proposed shipyard must be in the eastward direction of the waters.
