Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring 2024-03-01T10:01:15+00:00 Faisal Mahmuddin Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring (JPE) merupakan media publikasi ilmiah untuk hasil-hasil inovasi terkini dalam bidang kajian dan rekayasa ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi keteknikan. Mulai tahun 2016, JPE-UNHAS terbit secara periodik sebanyak 2 kali dalam setahun, yakni edisi Mei dan edisi November.&nbsp; JPE diterbitkan oleh Divisi Publikasi, Center of Technology (CoT), Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin.</p> Analisis Biaya Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Alat Angkut Menggunakan Teori Antrean di PT. Harfia Graha Perkasa, Kabupaten Gowa Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan 2024-02-23T02:27:10+00:00 Aryanti Virtanti Anas Nataniel Deo Pune Rini Novrianti Sutardjo Tui Rizki Amalia <p><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p> <p>PT Harfia Graha Perkasa merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang penyedia jasa pembangunan konstruksi. Material konstruksi yang digunakan dikelola sendiri oleh perusahaan dengan menggunakan <em>stone crusher</em> yang terletak di Desa Bontojai, Kecamatan Parangloe, Kabupaten Gowa, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Produk yang dihasilkan berupa debu batu, <em>split</em> 1/2, dan <em>split</em> 2/3.&nbsp; Proses produksi menggunakan&nbsp; satu unit alat gali muat Kobelco SK-200 yang melayani tujuh unit alat angkut yaitu Hino 500 dan Mitsubishi Fuso 220PS. Pada area <em>loading point</em> dan <em>dumping point</em> yaitu <em>hopper</em>, sering terjadi antrean alat angkut yang menunggu untuk dilayani. Dampak terjadinya antrean yaitu berkurangnya waktu kerja efektif sehingga memengaruhi biaya konsumsi bahan bakar. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan jumlah alat angkut yang dibutuhkan menggunakan Teori Antrean dan menghitung biaya bahan bakar alat angkut. Diketahui waktu edar aktual alat angkut adalah 55,2 menit dan waktu kerja efektif alat adalah 1,84 jam/hari. Konsumsi bahan bakar Hino 500 adalah Rp433.836,00/bulan dan Mitsubishi Fuso 220PS adalah Rp385.632,00/bulan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menggunakan Teori Antrean alat angkut dikurangi menjadi empat unit sehingga waktu edar menjadi 16,8 menit. Setelah itu dilakukan pengurangan terhadap waktu hambatan sehingga waktu kerja efektif alat menjadi 7,25 jam/hari dan biaya konsumsi bahan bakar dalam satu bulan Hino 500 sebesar Rp6.115.883,00/unit dan Mitsubishi Fuso 220PS sebesar Rp1.349.712,00/unit. Kombinasi alat angkut dengan biaya konsumsi bahan bakar paling rendah adalah empat unit Mitsubishi Fuso 220PS dengan biaya konsumsi bahan bakar sebesar Rp5.398.848,00/bulan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Analysis of Fuel Consumption Costs for </em></strong><strong><em>Hauler</em></strong><strong><em> Using Queue Theory at PT Harfia Graha Perkasa, South Sulawesi Province.</em></strong><em> PT Harfia Graha Perkasa is a company engaged in providing construction services. The construction materials used are managed by the company using a stone crusher located in Bontojai Village, Parangloe District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The products produced are ash, split 1/2, and split 2/3. The production process uses one unit of Kobelco SK-200 loader which serves seven units of hauler, </em><em>which are</em><em> Hino 500 and Mitsubishi Fuso 220PS. At the loading point and dumping point areas, there are often queues of haulers waiting to be served. The impact of queuing is the reduction in effective working time so that it affects the cost of fuel consumption. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the amount of transportation equipment needed using the Queuing Theory and to calculate the cost of transportation fuel. The actual cycle time of the hauler is </em><em>55.2 minutes</em><em> and the effective working time of the hauler is 1.84hours/day. The fuel consumption of the Hino 500 is </em><em>IDR</em><em>433,836.00/month and the Mitsubishi Fuso 220PS is </em><em>IDR</em><em>385,632.00/month. Based on the results of the analysis using the Queueing Theory, the hauler is reduced to four units so that the cycle time becomes </em><em>16.8 minutes</em><em>. After that, the inhibition time is </em><em>decreas</em><em>ed so that the effective working time of the hauler becomes 7.25 hours/day and the cost of fuel consumption in one month for Hino 500 is </em><em>IDR</em><em>6,115.883.00/unit and Mitsubishi Fuso 220PS is </em><em>IDR</em><em>1,349,712.00/unit. The hauler</em><em>s</em><em> with the lowest fuel consumption costs </em><em>are</em><em> four units of Mitsubishi Fuso 220PS with </em><em>the total</em><em> fuel consumption cost </em><em>is</em> <em>IDR</em><em>5,398,848.00/month.</em></p> 2024-02-07T03:21:41+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SISTEM MONITORING ENERGI SURYA JARAK JAUH (WIRELESS PHOTOVOLTAIC MONITORING SYSTEM) 2024-02-23T01:10:31+00:00 Muh Sammang Faisal Mahmuddin Haryanti Rivai <p><em>Renewable energy acts as an alternative to non-renewable energy such as fossil fuels. One of the energy that can be renewed is energy from sunlight. This energy is available every day and spread in all regions on earth. Solar energy received in Indonesia is approximately 4.5 kWh/m2/day in the western region and 5.1 kWh/m2/day for the eastern region. This sunlight will later be converted into electrical energy and used for human needs. One of the tools that can be used to capture solar energy is solar panels, the installation of solar panels is mostly still in a fixed or stationary state. This causes the absorption of solar energy is not optimal. Thus it requires the position of solar panels that are always perpendicular to the direction of incoming sunlight, for this reason a device or automatic system is needed that can move solar panels to always be perpendicular to the direction of incoming sunlight. Solar tracking system is a system that can move the solar panel so that the position of the solar panel always follows the direction of incoming sunlight as it has been set in such a way. By using an Arduino microcontroller, where the monitoring process is based on visual basic which is connected to a wireless system in the form of a transmitter &amp; receiver, the solar panel can be moved according to the angle of incidence of sunlight automatically. With the use of solar tracking system on solar panels can increase the average output voltage to 0,895 % and increase the reception of sunlight intensity up to 29,123 % compared to fixed solar panels.</em></p> 2024-02-07T07:35:08+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Perencanaan Distribusi Penerangan Kapal Tug Boat 23 Meter dengan menggunakan Zonal Cavity (Lumen) Method 2024-02-23T02:22:57+00:00 Suardi Suardi Rizky Risaldo Nabila Ayu Hermayanti Hafiz Hendry Haryawan <p>Kapal Tug boat biasa juga disebut sebagai kapal serbaguna karena memiliki fungsi yang begitu banyak seperti untuk menarik atau mendorong kapal yang lebih besar dan ingin sandar di pelabuhan. Kapal tugboat juga biasa digunakan dalam menarik kapal tongkang pengangkut batu bara, kapal yang rusak, dan peralatan lainnya di laut. Dengan melihat begitu besarnya pengaruh kapal tugboat maka kapal ini juga harus dilengkapi dengan sistem pendukung khususnya sistem penerangan yang lebih efisien dengan masa pakai yang lama. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besaran daya generator yang digunakan pada sistem distribusi penerangan kapal dengan menggunakan lampu LED. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode yang umum digunakan dalam penentuan intensitas standar pencahayaan dalam suatu ruangan yang biasa dikenal dengan istilah <em>zonal cavity (lumen) method</em>. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan lampu LED maka didapatkan total kebutuhan daya listrik untuk penerangan pada Main deck yaitu 1,77 kW, Inner Bootom Deck 1,15 kW, dan Navigation Deck 1,45 kW sehingga total kebutuhan daya listrik untuk penerangan kapal Tug Boat 28 meter adalah 4,73 kW.</p> 2024-02-07T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Optimasi Rute Kunjungan Cluster Sales Officer (CSO) Menggunakan Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) 2024-02-23T02:26:32+00:00 Irwin Yaputera Rosmanalia Hanafi Muhammad Rusman <p>Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison is a private company engaged in the telecommunications sector. Business processes in this company are influenced by the performance of salesmen, which in the company are called Cluster Sales Officer (CSO). CSO determines the route of visiting outlets based on experiences. However, the route taken is not optimal yet in terms of distance and travel time which contribute to cost inefficiency. This research was conducted to determine the optimal route using the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm to minimize the distance and travel time and costs. The data obtained are the coordinates and order of CSO visits on Route I (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) and Route II (Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday). Based on these data, the researchers then calculated the distance and travel time as well as the costs incurred on the initial CSO route. The next step is to calculate the distance and travel time as well as the costs incurred on the proposed route with the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm. The calculation results show that by using the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm, Proposed Route I which has the total distance traveled, time required, and costs incurred, obtained an efficiency of around 8% from the initial route. As for the Proposed Route II has an efficiency of around 4% is obtained from the initial route. So that the total proposed route in a month is more efficient around 6% compared to the initial route by CSO.</p> 2024-02-17T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Risiko Operasional Jasa Pengiriman Selama Pandemi Covid-19 2024-02-23T02:48:05+00:00 Januar Kulsaputro Syamsul Bahri Sapta Asmal <p>Abstract</p> <p>This study aims to (1) determine the priority risk sources experienced by TIKI Makassar Branch due to the Covid-19 pandemic. (2) identify and design possible handling strategies so as to minimize operational risks experienced by TIKI Makassar Branch.This research was conducted at the TIKI Boulevard Makassar branch using the HOR ( <em>House of Risk </em>) method approach to find out the priority risk sources based on the ARP ( <em>Aggregate Risk Potential) value </em>and design a risk/mitigation management strategy by measuring the ETD <sub>k value </sub>( <em>Effectiveness To Difficulty Ratio </em>). from the highest to the lowest value. Based on the results of the analysis, it is concluded that the highest priority risk sources that become problems and can disrupt the company's operations are human resources who are not careful, data errors from the previous process, package recipients who do not understand the rules, knowledge of the types of goods that are lacking and means of transportation disturbed. There are several handling strategies that can be applied in dealing with priority risk sources, namely tightening supervision of employee activities, maintaining good communication between departments/departments, improving workflows between sections/departments, tightening SOP regulations regarding sanctions, providing training/training for employees, conducting negotiating with partner airlines, and providing explanations to consumers about the workflow of shipping goods.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Keywords: </em><em>Risk Management, HOR (House of Risk), ARP (Aggregate Risk Potential), ETD <sub>k </sub>(Effectiveness To Difficulty Ratio), Priority Risk, Mitigation.</em></p> 2024-02-19T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## An OPTIMIZATION OF PRODUCTION FLOW RATE OF R-09 GAS WELL USING MODIFIED ISOCHRONAL TEST METHOD, TURNER AND MAYER-GARDNER 2024-03-01T10:01:15+00:00 Firmansyah Riski Rosmalina Hanafi irwan Setiawan Muthalib <p><em>To find out the ability of a well in production, it is necessary to conduct a Well Test. Well Testing can be done by several methods, one of which is a Deliverability Test where this test is carried out to find out the value of AOFP (Absolute Open Flow Potential) of a well with supporting data from the results of the Modified Isochronal Test of the R-09 well obtained. The maximum flow rate of R-09 wells can be calculated after being calculated at 25-30% AOFP. In addition, the calculation of the maximum critical flow rate is carried out to avoid the occurrence of water coning because it can cause the water level in the reservoir to increase so that water is also produced.</em> <em>Then the turner rate calculation is done which is the minimum flow rate limit to avoid liquid loading so that liquid does not fall into the perforation area due to the flow rate that is not enough to lift liquid so that it can cause obstruction of gas production because liquid collects in the perforation area.</em> <em>Therefore, this study was conducted to find out what the optimal production value is so that there is no water coning and liquid loading by calculating the right size of bean choke and then optimizing the bean choke gas so that the flow rate is in accordance with production needs.</em></p> 2024-02-22T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##